32 illustrated martech stacks entered in The Stackies 2022: Marketing Tech Stack Awards


The Stackies 2022: Marketing Tech Stack Awards

Yesterday — #MartechDay, yay! — we released the global 2022 marketing technology landscape, after taking a year off in 2021. It grew a remarkable 24% to 9,932 solutions. To make it readable, we actually made it fully interactive at martechmap.com, where you can search, filter, zoom, and more. It’s pretty wild.

But despite its mind-boggling scale, the martech landscape has always been a sidebar to the real story of how technology is changing marketing. The really cool stuff for me is how marketers leverage these tools with strategy, talent, and imagination to achieve remarkable outcomes for their businesses and their customers.

This is why The Stackies: Marketing Tech Stack Awards are my favorite community event in the martech industry. Every year, marketers enter by sharing a single slide that illustrates their martech stack. They often shout-out to the specific products they use. But the best ones express how they think about their stack conceptually. How does it fit into their organizational operating system? How does it support their customer journey?

Collectively, they give us some insight into how martech is being applied.

And, because it’s also a fun awards program, many design their stack slides with a little extra pizzazz. Not necessarily relevant to the stack’s mission, but entertaining to view.

This year, 32 companies sent in stack illustrations. You can see all of them in the free State of Martech 2022 report we released yesterday — The Stackies begin on page 31. (And if you want to view the ones from previous years, here’s 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.)

As is our tradition, we donate $100 per qualified entry to a non-profit. In the past, we’ve donated to organizations that promote diversity and inclusion in martech. This year, given the terrible situation in Ukraine, we’re donating the $3,200 to the International Rescue Committee.

Each year, we also select five “winners” for the awards. I put winners in quotes because, while the ones we select are awesome examples of martech stacks that have brought something particularly useful or creative to their visualization, everyone who contributes to The Stackies is a winner in my eyes. The martech community as a whole wins from this magnificent corpus of real-world stack examples.

4 Winning Stacks from 2021, Updated for 2022

My gratitude is especially immense for companies who enter The Stackies multiple years in a row. They give us a window into how martech stacks evolve over time, technically and conceptually.

Four of the five winners from last year’s Stackies — Itaú, Juniper Networks, Philips, and SAS — entered again this year with updated slides, and wow, they’re seriously awesome. They fully qualify as winning entries again.

However, we wanted to spread the love a bit to contributors who didn’t just win last year. So while we didn’t choose them as winners for 2022, they really deserve to be recognized as “standing winners” from last year.

Here they are:

Itaú Martech Stack
Itaú, Martech Stack 2022
Juniper Networks, Martech Stack 2022
Philips Martech Stack
Philips, Martech Stack 2022
SAS, Martech Stack 2022

Itaú, Juniper Networks, Philips, and SAS — thank you so much for continuing to contribute to The Stackies! Such a wonderful way to support the broader martech community.

5 Martech Stacks from New Winners in 2022

Still, choosing five winners among all the remaining great entries was tough. These are the ones we selected, but I strongly encourage you to download the complete set in the State of Martech 2022 report and pick out your favorites. Share them on social media and give a shout-out to those companies to let them know you appreciate their contributions.

Our five picks, in alphabetical order:

Autodesk Martech Stack
Autodesk, Martech Stack 2022
Rabobank Martech Stack
Rabobank, Martech Stack 2022
REA Group Martech Stack
REA Group, Martech Stack 2022
Sargento Martech Stack
Sargento, Martech Stack 2022
Verizon Martech Stack
Verizon, Martech Stack 2022

Again, a huge, deep, heartfelt thank you to all of the entrants to this year’s Stackies. There were so many fantastic entries from the AMA, Annum, Cvent, Digital Reach, EC Hispanic Media, Elastic, Ersi, Ink, Lob, LTI, Lumavate, PrismHR, Syngene, TOPENLand, Whirlpool and more. Check them all out.

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